Four Components of the Mobilization of the Russian Sciences

Research Article
  • Andrey V. Yurevich Institute of Psychology of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
    Elibrary Author_id 1353
How to Cite
Yurevich A.V. Four Components of the Mobilization of the Russian Sciences. Science Management: Theory and Practice. 2023. Vol. 5. No. 2. P. 157-165. DOI:


The transition of Russian science to the mobilization scenario of development is considered. The survey data are presented, demonstrating that this transition causes a positive attitude among the majority of the Russian scientific community. The author explains this rather paradoxical fact with two reasons. Firstly, by the fact that scientists are tired of the Russian science being in a state of Russian “nirvana”, when work in the “not shaky, not shaky” mode, at a sufficiently low level of its capabilities, has been raised to normal. Secondly, they understand that in the current conditions, Russia is mainly rescued by the presence of nuclear weapons created during the mobilization of domestic science. The mobilization scenario of the development of Russian science is considered as including four main components: 1) stricter control (by the state) of the issues being developed, 2) optimization of the staff of science, 3) change in the (meritocratic) form of its organization, 4) intensification of scientific work. The question is raised about which part of the national science it is advisable to mobilize. The author believes that the mobilization of our entire scientific organism would be an excess, but some of its elements – the liberation from “dead souls”, the intensification of scientific work, etc., should be carried out in relation to our entire science. The risks facing Russian science in the conditions of its mobilization are also considered: de-internationalization, reduction of international investments, etc.
Russian science, mobilization scenario, scientists, organization, intensification of scientific work

Author Biography

Andrey V. Yurevich, Institute of Psychology of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Deputy Director


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Received: 09.03.2023

Accepted: 27.06.2023

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Other cite formats:

Yurevich, A. V. (2023). Four Components of the Mobilization of the Russian Sciences. Science Management: Theory and Practice, 5(2), 157-165.